Home Health Keeping Fit While On The Go!

Keeping Fit While On The Go!

by Nikimandi_Admin

For years I’ve sort of put my own health at the bottom of my priority list.  

Ok let me explain further.

I enrolled my second and third daughter into creche at the tender ages of 5 and 3 months old respectively because I had to resume work; and as a result of the mom guilt I experienced afterwards, I promised myself that most of my free time would be devoted to them and their elder sister. Some other spare time priorities slowly ebbed away as the months rolled into years and this meant that there was no room to even consider ‘gym’ or ‘exercise’ even if I wanted to.


Although, I would admit that sticking to an exercise routine has always been a struggle for me from day 1. It has never piqued my interest, neither have I ever had the stamina for it at all. For some mums, squeezing out time for workouts can be almost impossible.

I mean, how are we supposed to make out time for workout when we can’t even use the bathroom in peace?

Take ‘Yours Truly’ for instance, before I became a mum, I thought I was an expert at time management and multi-tasking; until Niki came along- my first amazing little girl- and then it dawned on me that everything I thought I knew about managing my time, was indeed a joke!

From caring for kids, workplace demands, chores, school to other endless appointments, there is often little or no time for anything else. But surprisingly, there are mums out there who have vowed to make the best use of their time and keep fit always.  I applaud them.

I would count myself lucky because genes and being active have both played a major role in my ‘keeping fit’ story. However, won’t it be amazing if I can create a healthier lifestyle in which exercise is as ingrained as brushing teeth, reading every night and healthy eating?

I’ve asked a few moms who are great at ‘keeping fit’ to share their best tips with us on how they make it a reality. So if you’re like me, I’d suggest you sit back and learn a few from them, because I just did.

# winks

Here are a few pointers;

·        Don’t skip breakfast! One of our mum experts says it’s safer to eat earlier and spread out calories.

·        Bringing your food to work is an ideal habit because it stops you from getting too hungry or making an unhealthy food choice which can happen as a result of stress.

·        You can have a late dinner and still lose weight- if u have a 3 to 4 hour interval between your dinner and bed time.

There’s another catch though…

 you must avoid foods such as rice, bread and pasta which are easier to eat in excess quantity.

·        At work, try a walking meeting instead of the old-fashioned sitting around a table which we are so used to.

·        For lactating mums, breastfeed if you are able to and for as much and as long as you can. It’s a mega calorie burner.

·        Exercise! You can also do that as a family during weekends or when you create the time. Skip, scooter and do everything else with your kids.

P.S. -Don’t be that mum who consistently sits within the confines of her room and calls out to the help to take the kids outside for some free play.

Don’t forget that the kids will do what you do, not what you say!

Ultimately, don’t let stress and fatigue interfere with getting fit. If you have an occasional slip, don’t give up, but get back on track.

The time is now!

Good luck to all the super hero slamming mommas trying to make it work out as much as they can.

Hubbies please appreciate them once in a while or more often.

If you have a busy life and a family to take care of, how do you find time to keep fit? Do you go to the gym often, yoga, or aerobics?

Please share!


Yours Truly.


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