Home Motherhood Mothers Are Super Heroines!

Mothers Are Super Heroines!

by Nikimandi_Admin

Hi Lovelies,
I’m just so excited about this space.

Yayyyyyyyyyyyy #insert shaku shaku dance step.

 I love to write but this is actually my first time blogging and owning a blog. My very own blog… No it’s actually OUR blog. #winks
I hope I’m not blabbing… It’s just that I’m really feeling intoxicated with joy -if there is anything like that. #shrugs
So this will be like an educative, informative and purposeful sure where we get to learn a thing or two from each other about motherhood , kids, hubbies  and everything inbetween… 

Have you heard about the saying, “To be a mother is not a day’s job?” We actually learn on the job but amazingly, we are fast learners. #thumbs up!

Well, I just want to give out a few pointers about being a mother:

·        Mothers are like magicians; they have the ability to harbor cells which originated in their children even after birth. Yeah I know, it is shocking right? It is a condition known as microchimerism and it can arise from several causes including the bidirectional transfer of cells between mother and fetus during pregnancy. It has been scientifically proven that these cells provide protection against certain types of cancers.

  • Are you also aware that when mothers breastfeed their babies, they provide real immune support to help the baby fight against diseases like diarrhea, pneumonia, UTI, ear infections, and can even lower the risk of SIDS(sudden infant death syndrome).
  • Also, milk changes its nutritional profile as baby grows (milk made for a 3 month old is different from that of a 9 month old) and milk can even change day to day- for example, water content may increase during times of hot weather in order to provide extra hydration.
  • The most astonishing part of it is that the bond between a mother and child is so strong that one of the first word-like sounds babies typically vocalize is a “ma” sound which can be taken as short for the word ‘mother’.

I can’t help but reminisce about when I had my first daughter… the first day she pronounced that word was the second happiest day of my life. LOL! I danced around with joy.  

So, the next time you want to stay angry at your mother for something she did, think twice…


Yours Truly. 


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